Meet Julie Kelly

Originally from Australia, Julie now lives in Southern California, and spends her days traveling the country, instilling skills such as resilience, self-worth and compassion into students of all ages.  Julie’s message has a strong emphasis on building character through smart choices, and understanding that your character and behaviors have a direct impact on your life’s goals, and the amount of success you can achieve.

Believing that decisions determine destiny, Julie’s message encourages students of all ages to think before they say anything, do anything, or post anything online, encouraging them to choose kindness over popularity, as each choice either builds their character or hurts their character, ultimately impacting their own happiness and opportunities.

Julie was a wonderful speaker who truly pours out kindness to everyone she meets!  She put on a great presentation showing the kids the importance of being kind and connected it to their lives!  We are super pumped to start our challenges and think with kindness!!!Erika Tillett, Slaughter Elementary; Texas, Teacher