
Creating a Kindness movement in schools and businesses around the US

Trusted by over 1283+ Schools

We provide inspirational assemblies and projects at schools across the US. To find out more click below.

In my 35 years of teaching, I’ve never seen a speaker impact our students like Brian has. Its been 60 days since he was here and students are still talking about his assembly.
Los Alamos High School
Bullying Incidents Decreased by 32% Almost Immediately
Carson Valley Middle School
In my 15 years of teaching, I’ve never seen our student body so excited to be kind to others. Brian truly changed our school culture.
Sherry Wann, California Trail Middle School

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Our mission is to make our world a better place and studies show over 100 people read your shirt everyday! Let that message be one of kindness and hope.

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We work with graphic designers all over the globe to create t-shirts which you’ll love to wear and have an impact.