About Us

Think Kindness inspires measurable acts of Kindness in schools and communities around the world.

Our Mission

We believe that each act of Kindness, no matter how small, has an unforeseeable ripple effect that makes the world a better place.

Every person on this planet can think of at least one Kind act that made your day a little brighter. It is our mission to inspire these Kind acts. To gather thousands of people to perform seemingly simple acts of Kindness in solidarity and that will result in a wave of good, that will make a difference in the world.

We make KINDNESS Cool

Our Story

Browse our timeline below to find out the journey of Think Kindness

Where it all began

The evolution of Think Kindness began with a simple question from founder Brian Williams to his martial arts instructor, Tom Callos. At the time, Brian was living in Los Angeles and was looking for something outside of the typical suit and tie jobs that had, for so long, seemed like the only option for a future.

"Growing up in Martial Arts, we always were taught that 'Kindness is the Ultimate Form of Self-Defense.' If you are nice and KIND to everyone, then you should never have to use your martial arts."
What if you could document one million acts of Kindness? What would that symbolize? What would be the impact? Tom Callos

The idea

Though the execution of Think Kindness came to Brian several months later, Mr. Callos’ question was etched in his mind. One day, as Brian waited in line at a local bank in Newport Beach, he witnessed a simple act of Kindness that inspired him that KIDS were the ones to inspire change.

The act that sparked a it all…

A mother, with her son by her side, stood busily at the counter filling out her deposit slip before stepping in line – her head down and her personal belongings consuming the entire table. The clocked ticked as minutes went by and her fingers diligently worked on the calculator beside her. An elderly lady was approaching the door with her walker and an over-sized handbag over her right shoulder. The child, seeing the woman and without hesitation, ran to the door and opened it before the woman had the chance to even reach for the handle. As she thanked him, he simply smiled in return. As she passed through the walkway, he held the door open for several other people as they left the building.

Once this simple act of Kindness was finished, he ran back to his mother’s side without her even realizing he’d briefly disappeared. Yet, every teller, every customer and even the bankers sitting at their desks saw what the child had done. As Brian looked around the room, he saw an awe-inspiring disruption that sparked smiles on everyone’s faces. The child hadn’t acted because he was asked. He didn’t do it for recognition. He did it, simply, to be kind.

Kindness is one of the simplest and most basic fundamentals of life.

Think Kindness was born

Kindness is something that is easily forgotten as we become inundated with the negativity that can sometimes fill our day-to-day lives. Sometimes, it takes something simple to make us realize how easy it is to change someone’s life. It was this random act of Kindness that gave Brian an idea to rally thousands of youth to inspire change and it was then that Think Kindness was born.

First Trial

Brian left Los Angeles and moved back to northern Nevada to be with his family, which is also filled with over eight school teachers. Now, he had an instant peer group of which to bounce his ideas off. Within months, his first trial of the school program launched at Alyce Taylor Elementary School.


The concept was to challenge elementary school students to document 5,000 acts of Kindness in just two weeks. The aim wasn’t to just have a one-hour speech and be done. Brian wanted to create a lasting program that would generate quantifiable results, sparking action that would create habits. Kind habits.

‘15’ days of Kindness

The results were amazing. Students took to the streets to be claimed the ‘kindest’ classroom in their school. The competition seemed to take the challenge to a whole new level. Ideas began to develop in Brian’s mind and the concept for the ‘15 Days of Kindness’ challenge was born.

Going global

Since that time, Think Kindness has expanded far beyond northern Nevada into a national competition seeking ‘The Kindest School in the Country.’ Through the nation’s youth and dedicated community members, Think Kindness has raised tens of thousands of dollars for charities around the country, collected more than 250,000 shoes for children around the world and carried out global acts of Kindness through our outreach trips to Kenya and Ghana.


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Our mission is to make our world a better place and studies show over 100 people read your shirt everyday! Let that message be one of kindness and hope.

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