Where it all began
The evolution of Think Kindness began with a simple question from founder Brian Williams to his martial arts instructor, Tom Callos. At the time, Brian was living in Los Angeles and was looking for something outside of the typical suit and tie jobs that had, for so long, seemed like the only option for a future.
"Growing up in Martial Arts, we always were taught that 'Kindness is the Ultimate Form of Self-Defense.' If you are nice and KIND to everyone, then you should never have to use your martial arts."
What if you could document one million acts of Kindness? What would that symbolize? What would be the impact? Tom Callos
The idea
Though the execution of Think Kindness came to Brian several months later, Mr. Callos’ question was etched in his mind. One day, as Brian waited in line at a local bank in Newport Beach, he witnessed a simple act of Kindness that inspired him that KIDS were the ones to inspire change.