Girl Rising: 5 Reasons

It does not take the highest IQ in the world to figure out that a woman on a mission is unstoppable. While watching the documentary, Girl Rising, that idea became more and more clear. Women are strong beings and can withstand much; oppression, mistreatment, and obstacles. We know this because in many countries around the globe woman are standing firm against ALL of these things currently.

The kicker is….yes women are tough. Yes women are strong. Yes women can and will endure, BUT that does not, by any means, make it alright that women all over the world face unfair treatment daily and sometimes throughout their entire lives. We cannot ignore this.

So what can we do? How can we improve the livelihood of so many young women in our world? How can we take responsibility? According to many coalitions in favor of woman and seeing thaem succeed around the world the answer is simple…education!

5 Ways Education Can Change a Woman’s Life in a Developing Country

1) A young girl pursuing n education has a lesser chance of being married off at an early age.
In developing countries, often times, girls don’t even make it out of adolescence before they are married off and impregnated. Leaving them in an extremely tough spot; uneducated and in need of money to support a child.

2)     An educated young woman will be able to be in school and be safe!
Each day a young woman enrolled in school is able to be in a safe environment learning most of the day as opposed to a girl who is left to fend for herself.

3)     Education often means that a young woman will not have to sell her body for money.
Often young woman who get pregnant during adolescents and become young mothers have to make money to support their family so they turn to the only thing they know; they sell their bodies. This exposes them to many sexually transmitted diseases and HIV.

4)     Lower pregnancy rate.
Young girls that acquire an education have the ability and the freedom to make educated and wise choices for their lives. A young woman who is uneducated and feels inadequate will be much more prone to settle for a life with a man or a job they do not really want.

5)     Education expands employment opportunities.
Educated children, including girls, in general grow up to make higher wages, live in and contribute to stronger economies, support families, and make better decisions. 

So What Can You Do?
At Think Kindness we  have seen first hand the value of an education on child living in a developing country. We couldn’t just sit back and do nothing, so we created the Kenya Scholarship Fund that provides University and College scholarships to orphan children throughout Kenya. We have a full team that helps identify qualified children and supports them throughout their educational career to help ensure success. With two children currently receive scholarships for a bachelors degree in computers and law, we are looking to grow the fund to provide educational opportunities to under privileged children throughout Kenya.

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If you have any questions, please feel free to CONTACT US at anytime.