Billinghurst Middle School received the same challenge that over 70 other schools have across the country, “Who can make the biggest difference in the world. . . in just 15 Days”. It is not an easy challenge. Each schools’ Kindness Crew team is tasked with thinking outside-the-box on how they can take the challenge to a whole new level.

Billinghurst did just that! 

They decided to get the challenge to seep outside of their school walls and into their community. They wrote letters to businesses, organizations, churches and even other schools. Each team member wrote a letter to their favorite elementary school teacher asking them to collect shoes for their drive. Little did they know, there teachers where so honored to be included, they asked their entire school.

They received 500 pairs of shoes on the 1st day!

The top student collected over 250 pairs of shoes. She walked her neighborhood, asked her family and even had her parents post updates on social media. These students took a simple 15 day challenge and blew it out of the water!

GREAT JOB to all the students at Billinghurst!