Treating Holiday Stress with Kindness

Christmas stress - busy santa womanShopping. Cooking. Cleaning. Sending out cards. More shopping. Work. Money. Family gatherings. Still more shopping…

It’s no wonder that the holidays is not only the most joyous time of the year, but often the most stressful  as well. We get so wrapped up in everything that we need to do, we worry about how we’re going to accomplish things, making people happy with their gifts, etc., that we end up stressing ourselves so much, we forget to enjoy ourselves, too; it’s enough to make anybody say “Bah, humbug!”. bah_humbug

So, the next time you start feeling overwhelmed, stop… take a deep breath… and do something nice for someone!

IMG_6709We’re all aware of that little boost we get whenever we do an act of kindness. That “lift” comes from the increase of serotonin, a chemical in our bodies that helps us feel “bliss”. In addition, studies have shown that performing acts of kindness not only helps us feel good emotionally, but it can help us feel good physically by boosting our immune system!

Now, we’re also aware of the ripple effect of an act of kindness… but, did you know that people WATCHING an act of kindness can also get a little boost  themselves? As Wayne Dyer said, “Imagine this! Kindness extended, received, or observed beneficially impacts the physical health and feelings of everyone involved!”.

Try it… give a smile to someone you pass by in the mall. Offer to carry bags for the mom with her kids in the grocery store. Leave a thank you note for a co-worker or friend. You may find that not only are you less stressed and healthier, but you may even find yourself in the holiday spirit more than you ever have before…