Stop Chasing Happiness.

There was once a businessman who was sitting by the beach in a small Brazilian village. As he sat, he saw a Brazilian fisherman rowing a small boat towards the shore having caught quite few big fish. The businessman was impressed and asked the fisherman, “How long does it take you to catch so many fish?” The fisherman replied, “Oh, ...

8 Actions Parents Can Take To END Bullying

The tactics & methods of modern day bullying is vastly different than that of the past. Bullies feast on the vulnerable and crave the attention and taste of power they receive by hurting others. And now, bullying comes in many different faces as technology creates and instant audience. Recent studies have shown that at least half of all children are ...
National Kindness Speech Contest Winners

We worked to seek out some of the best ‘Kindness Speeches’ in the country submitted by our nations youth. We narrowed it down to the top 10, then let America choose the top 3 – – – here they are!

Think Kindness School Very Beach Elementary

School of the Month: Vero Beach Elementary

We visit so many each month and each school is so incredible inspiring! This month we are recognizing Vero Beach Elementary, located in Florida, as our school of the month. They achieved 7,183 acts of kindness in just 15 days. WAY TO GO!! We asked their principal, Cynthia Emerson to share with us her experience with participating in the Kindness …

Kohler Elementary School

School of the Month: Kohler Elementary

We have visited so many INCREDIBLE schools this semester. But, one particularly stands out, which is why we selected the tiny Kohler Elementary School in Wisconsin as our March school of the month. Their army of 300 students completed 15,214 acts of kindness in 15 days. YES. Here’s a word from Miguel, who kicked off their Kindness Challenge! When it …